Creative Intervention
When? | July 28, 15.00-17.00 |
Where? | Daugavgrīvas cietoksnis, Birzes iela 2, Riga, MūMā tent |
Language | English |
Type | Urban Shift |

– Jānis Ķīnasts – Placemaker, creator of MūMā
– Alise Ķīnasta – Artist, creator of MūMā
– Jānis Ušča – Riga City Council City Development Department
Discussion moderated by Anete Vanaga
Jānis Ķīnasts [LV]
Alise Ķīnasta [LV]
Jānis Ušča
Anete Vanaga
Urban Institute, Riga together with MūMā creative intervention invites everyone to the Urban Shift summer gathering during the festival Komēta!
Discussion is supported by: Valsts kultūrkapitāla fonds
MūMā organized and curated by Alise Ķīnasta and Jānis Ķinasts
The topic of the concluding discussion of three-day MūMā workshops: Creative intervention: Imagining the Other-Wise
During the three days, long creative intervention at the festival Komēta visitors will be invited to collectively make a place where to deconstruct their inner walls and to imagine the Daugavgrīvas Fortress as it really is – the last really free place in Riga.⠀
In “MūMā” you will be able to experience “yarning circles”, silent labs, where the only communication takes place through paper models and wild watercolour workshops, dedicated to “catch” the spirit and sense of place of Daugavgrīvas Fortress. Half of the sphere will inhabit the dome and therefore become a nomadic ceremony of art and design. As a living museum, it will gather ideas, scenarios, illustrations, maps and other artefacts dedicated to enliven the Daugavgrīvas Fortress. Everything created during this intervention will become a part of a travelling exhibition.⠀
The closing discussion will be accompanied by Trevor Davies, cultural and urban planner, discussing the impact of culture and city inhabitants in urban development processes.
Discussion participants:
Jānis Ķīnasts – Placemaker, creator of MūMā
Alise Ķīnasta – Artist, creator of MūMā
Jānis Ušča – Riga City Council City Development Department
Discussion moderated by Anete Vanaga
Language: English
Place: Daugavgrīva fortress, MūMā tent
Time: 15.00-17.00
Photo and recording might take place at the event!
More info will follow – see you soon!